Saturday, October 1, 2011

John Woodman: Paul Irey will not debate me because Jerome Corsi might not like it

John Woodman returned as my guest on RC Radio last Thursday night. He said that Paul Irey who had initially seemed open to debating him on a national radio show had changed his mind after reading portions of the book (we assume that would have included Mr. Woodman's debunking of Irey's own assertions about the LFBC). He also said Mr. Irey told him that Dr. Jerome Corsi might not like if he debated John. That is a remarkable statement from someone who boldly accuses the President of publishing a fraudulent document and claims the can prove it beyond any doubt. Why would Paul Irey take his marching orders from Jerome Corsi and World Net Daily?

John Woodman also expanded his debate challenge to include Jerome Corsi and any or all of his stable of so-called "experts" including Mara Zebest and Douglas Vogt.

I say let's bring it on! RC Radio joins in the challenge and would provide time to host such a debate on a future program.